Ms. Huang's Class 


你好!(Ni Hao, Hello in Chinese)

I am so excited that you are here!  Besides learning Chinese language, students will also learn Chinese culutre.   We will have a fun, educational, and overall fantastic school year here at Olsen Middle and South Broward High School.  I will do everything I can to ensure a successful year of learning Mandarin Chinese.

Guidelines for Success:

A successful foreign language experience requires a lot of classroom participation. Students are expected to work cooperatively in groups or with a partner, sharing their thinking, as well as listening respectfully to the ideas of others.

Home works and all classroom assignments should be done neatly and turn in on time.  Quiz/test make-ups  and  tutoring are  available from 2:40 – 3:40 pm Monday through Thursday  in my classroom at South Broward High School.

If you are ABSENT, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and get the assignment completed. Students have two class days to make up the work for each  absence, after returning to school. Work that was assigned prior to an absence is due upon return to class. “Z’s” "0%"  will be entered in pinnacle for missing work until it is turned in.



Checking Grades/Assignments Online:

It is also important for parents and students to regularly log on to Pinnacle to monitor assignments, grades and attendances. Please use the following information to access Pinnacle:


Username: ten-digit student # followed by


Password: P followed by date of birth

Example: P11/22/2016


Contact Ms. Huang

To ensure success, parental involvement is vital to your child’s success in my classroom. It is very important to keep the lines of communication open with your child and teachers. I will be in close contact with you through e-mails or calls/texts  when necessary.  you can also contact me anytime via email/ call/ text.


phone:  786-558-3695



  1. Be on time and ready to learn.
  2. Be prepared (Come to class with your Notebook, Workbook, pen or pencil).
  3. Complete your work on time.
  4. Remain silent during instruction.
  5. No chatting or disruption.
  6. No cell phones, food & drinks (except water), off-task.


Consequences of breaking a rule:

1St Time - Verbal warning

2nd Time – Detention & parents called

3rd Time - Referral or according the Broward County Code of Student Conduct Progressive Discipline Matrix